OS X Tutorial: Preview – Amazing Features regarding PDF and Image Files

Below you´ll find a tutorial about the Mac application „Preview“. Preview is the standard application for reading PDF documents and for looking at images on a Mac. I have created a web based training about this amazing and helpful program to show you some great features.

Content of the Web based Training about OS X „Preview

Part 1: Features regarding PDF-Documents:

  • Working with text (highlighting, adding notes…)
  • Working with forms (filling out forms, adding a signature…)

Part 2: Features regarding pictures:

  • Open more than one picture in Preview
  • Adjust colors
  • Crop a picture
  • Reduce the resolution of a picture
  • Share a picture with your friends

I hope you enjoy my video!

Best regards,


Zur Information: Dieses Video ist im Rahmen meines Auslandssemesters in Kalifornien entstanden und ist Teil einer Vorlesung. Da ich kein Muttersprachler bin hoffe ich, dass ihr dem Training dennoch folgen könnt.

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