Interview mit Gründer von Partnernetzwerk

Am 14. Juni 2013 hat Avangate, ein Partnernetzwerk für Software ein durchgeführtes Interview mit mir veröffentlicht. Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich als erfolgreicher Blogger interviewt wurde und bin auch ein wenig stolz darauf.

Anbei das vollständige Interview:Am 14. Juni 2013 hat Avangate, ein Partnernetzwerk für Software ein durchgeführtes Interview mit mir veröffentlicht. Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich als erfolgreicher Blogger interviewt wurde und bin auch ein wenig stolz darauf.

Anbei das vollständige Interview:

„There are plenty of people who love Apple products, but not all of them earn money from their passion. Julian and Maximilian Z., two brothers from Germany, have managed to achieve admirable affiliate success by sharing useful advice and unique insights with Apple users all around the world. The brothers started in 2012 and blog about iOS and OSX apps as well as Apple hardware.

Julian Z. is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and has been kind enough to discuss how someone can add value in a certain domain and make money as an affiliate. 

1. How did you get started in the affiliate industry?
Last year I started my German blog about Apple products, Mac applications, iPhone and iPad. I wanted to share tips that would help Mac users in their daily work. Writing articles about good products is fun, but at the same time it makes sense to get a little return out of your work. So I searched for a way to earn money with my articles and I found out that becoming an affiliate was the best way to achieve my financial objectives.

2. Describe your business in 3 words.
Honest, helpful, valuable.

3. What’s the best part of earning money as an affiliate?
The best part is realizing that our readers notice our recommendations and use them. It is a joy to see that people appreciate our efforts, and helping them have more fun with Apple products gives us great pleasure. We always do our best to create useful reviews for our readers, and sometimes we add affiliate links to our posts. Earning money as an affiliate is a nice side effect – a way to get a little return out of your work.

4. Is there a secret to success in the affiliate business?
You have to write honest and individual articles about products you are using yourself. The readers can tell if the author really enjoys showing them new products and writing about their features. Without truly loving your business, you cannot be successful because readers will detect work that lacks honest passion.

5. What are the most valuable services an affiliate network could offer you?
An affiliate network should provide customized offers for its affiliates. That way, an article becomes even more valuable for the reader. A really good affiliate network provides many vendors, an understandable and clearly structured website, and engaged customer service. I am very satisfied to be an affiliate of Avangate because this network provides all of the services I need most in my operations.

6. What do you think are the hottest trends in the affiliate business in 2013?
I think an obvious trend is that more and more bloggers are becoming affiliates and that the affiliate business will continue to grow strongly.

7. What advice would you give to a new software affiliate?
Only by enjoying your business can you be successful. Don´t try to sell something with fake reports about experiences you didn’t have. You have to be honest to gain success.“

Quelle: Avangate Blog

Vielen Dank Andra Ioana für den Artikel

Wenn euch der Artikel gefallen hat, würde ich mich über einen Kommentar sehr freuen. Bitte folgt uns auch auf Twitter, Facebook und Google+. Über eine kleine Anerkennung über Flattr freuen wir uns natürlich ebenfalls.

„There are plenty of people who love Apple products, but not all of them earn money from their passion. Julian and Maximilian Zitsch, two brothers from Germany, have managed to achieve admirable affiliate success by sharing useful advice and unique insights with Apple users all around the world. The brothers started in 2012 and blog about iOS and OSX apps as well as Apple hardware.

Julian Zitsch is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and has been kind enough to discuss how someone can add value in a certain domain and make money as an affiliate. 


1. How did you get started in the affiliate industry?
Last year I started my German blog about Apple products, Mac applications, iPhone and iPad. I wanted to share tips that would help Mac users in their daily work. Writing articles about good products is fun, but at the same time it makes sense to get a little return out of your work. So I searched for a way to earn money with my articles and I found out that becoming an affiliate was the best way to achieve my financial objectives.


2. Describe your business in 3 words.
Honest, helpful, valuable.


3. What’s the best part of earning money as an affiliate?
The best part is realizing that our readers notice our recommendations and use them. It is a joy to see that people appreciate our efforts, and helping them have more fun with Apple products gives us great pleasure. We always do our best to create useful reviews for our readers, and sometimes we add affiliate links to our posts. Earning money as an affiliate is a nice side effect – a way to get a little return out of your work.


4. Is there a secret to success in the affiliate business?
You have to write honest and individual articles about products you are using yourself. The readers can tell if the author really enjoys showing them new products and writing about their features. Without truly loving your business, you cannot be successful because readers will detect work that lacks honest passion.


5. What are the most valuable services an affiliate network could offer you?
An affiliate network should provide customized offers for its affiliates. That way, an article becomes even more valuable for the reader. A really good affiliate network provides many vendors, an understandable and clearly structured website, and engaged customer service. I am very satisfied to be an affiliate of Avangate because this network provides all of the services I need most in my operations.


6. What do you think are the hottest trends in the affiliate business in 2013?
I think an obvious trend is that more and more bloggers are becoming affiliates and that the affiliate business will continue to grow strongly.


7. What advice would you give to a new software affiliate?
Only by enjoying your business can you be successful. Don´t try to sell something with fake reports about experiences you didn’t have. You have to be honest to gain success.“

Quelle: Avangate Blog

Vielen Dank Andra Ioana für den Artikel

Wenn euch der Artikel gefallen hat, würde ich mich über einen Kommentar sehr freuen. Bitte folgt uns auch auf Twitter, Facebook und Google+. Über eine kleine Anerkennung über Flattr freuen wir uns natürlich ebenfalls.

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Hallo, ich bin Julian - Wirtschaftsingenieur und Blogger bei In meiner Freizeit beschäftige ich mich gerne mit Apple Produkten und allem was dazugehört. Du findest mich auch auf Twitter Facebook und Google+.

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